Welkom op de website van Tauro Pro Line - Benelux
Over Janita Plunge
Ontwikkelaar / Eigenaar van Tauro Pro Line
The animals were important to me throughout my life – I always loved and admired them and was passionate about dog breeding at a young age. When I was 16 my parents allowed me on the occasion of my birthday to acquire a puppy – silver poodle. At the age of 17 I started to groom the dogs of this breed, and at the age of 18 headed the Lithuanian poodle lovers club. Being 23 years old I became a poodle judge of the international category.
Later, I was fascinated by other breeds of dogs, so participating in shows in different countries presenting my pets to the world has become an integral part of my life. In 1999 one of my biggest dreams came true – the kennel „Tauro Kennel“ was founded, where three breeds of dogs hold currently a dominant position: the Bichon Frise breed, the Bichon Maltese breed and the German Dwarf (Pomeranian) Spitz breed.
Our raised dogs are the winners of many world exhibitions, have won more than 1000 champion titles throughout the entire history of the kennel. The most famous of them – the bichon frise Tauro Misoko that became the world champion in 2019. Currently, the „Tauro Kennel“ is one of the largest and most modern breeding farms in the Baltics and our raised pets found their home in 30 countries all over the world.
Invaluable 30 years of experience, the possibility to see the real needs of pets up close, success at world dog shows, champion titles, awards for the most beautiful example of the breed – all this provided the inspiration to create TAURO PRO LINE.
We have tried and tested various products for many years, perfected them for the best result and we have succeeded! That’s why we would like to share our success story with you. We strive to ensure that premium class, specialized, innovative, natural, tested products would guarantee professional care for your pets, leading to victory.
Janita JanuškauskaitÄ—-PlungÄ—

„Tauro Pro Line“ products were developed or carefully selected by breeders with more than 30 years proven experience. Line consists of professional, specialized, high quality and innovative products for animals that are competing in shows and their assistance - breeders, groomers and handlers.